
Lightweight design

Lightweight Design

Lightweight design solutions for ductile iron parts include structural optimization, material selection, application of process technology, and comprehensive solutions.

Structural Optimization

Thin-walled design

Weight reduction is achieved by reducing the wall thickness of castings. For example, one project achieved this by designing the wall thickness to be less than 5 mm.

Hollowed-out design

Designing a hollow or cavity structure inside the casting to reduce the amount of material used. For example, through a hollowing design proposal for a bracket, the product reduced weight by 15% to meet the design requirements.

Integrated Design

Integrating the functions of multiple parts into a single casting reduces the need for connectors and welding, thereby reducing overall weight. For example, a steering knuckle fork integrates the intermediate shaft with the gear knuckle fork through one-piece casting, reducing welding and installation processes.

Material Selection and Development

Selection of high-strength, high ductility alloy materials, the development of new casting materials, such as austenitic ductile iron, high-temperature applications of ductile iron and solid solution solidified ferritic ductile iron materials.